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to Denver NAREB

“Reimagining the Dream of Homeownership through

Advocacy, Activism and Action”

About Us

The National Association of Real Estate Brokers, Inc (NAREB), is a Real Estate Professional trade
organization. We have local chapters across the country who embrace our ideals and mission of
“promoting democracy in housing.” While our name suggests an organization of Real Estate Brokers, it is a professional real estate organization which includes membership from multiple disciplines in the industry. We welcome professionals in all areas of real estate to join us and help promote our mission.

Our national goal is to bring together the nation’s minority real estate professionals to promote the meaningful exchange of ideas about our business and how to best serve our clients. We strive to create an environment where creativity flourishes in both the workplace and the marketplace.


To service our target market, we ensure training and educational opportunities are available to our entire membership across the many disciplines we represent, providing certifications and special designations in many areas of interest. Our ability to professionally service our client base is the foundation by which we operate.

Our organization was founded in 1947, making it the oldest minority professional trade association in America. It was formed out of a need to secure the right to equal housing opportunities regardless of race, creed or color. Since its inception, we have participated in meaningful challenges and legislative activities to establish Fair Housing for all.

NAREB is governed by a board of directors and an executive committee comprised of members and leaders in the industry from across America. Each local chapter continuously accepts new members to join and actively become community real estate leaders. The Denver local chapter of NAREB official name is Denver Board of Realist. The Denver chapter was founded in 1960 by Jesse Johnson, and has been servicing the community ever since. We meet on the third (3 rd ) Wednesday of every month and new members are always welcome.

Our Board of Directors

Doing Our Part In The Mile High To Ensure Democracy In Housing

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